Under the hood
How it works

Powerful capabilities simplified

Upload or import a video

Upload a video file or use our integrations to pull recordings from platforms like Zoom, On24 and more.

AI finds key moments

Our patented AI automatically finds the best key moments and highlights them in the transcript it creates.

Review and edit

Tweak the AI-suggested moments or create new ones by highlighting transcript text - no video editing needed. Parmonic will automatically create videos based on the highlighted text.

Enhance & Augment

Enhance your raw videos to elevate their quality and oomph factor. Turn informal recordings into TV quality.

Add subtitles with a click. Choose from 99% or 90% accuracy. Enable subtitle translations with a click.
Add a touch of music to elevate your videos. Use built-in tracks or upload your own.
Add Call-to-actions, intro/outro bumpers, title cards and more.
Export & Embed

Export videos in any way (or size) you like. Download video files (MP4), Word doc (for blog), GIFs (for email). Or just grab the embed code and paste it on your website.

...or publish a webpage

By clicking a button in Parmonic you can create a fully-branded webpage with your video content. Host it under your domain or publish directly to Marketo/Hubspot.

...or publish a webpage

By clicking a button in Parmonic you can create a fully-branded webpage with your video content. Host it under your domain or publish directly to Marketo/Hubspot.

Review or Regenerate blog

Our AI finds the best moments and topics in your video to turn them into a blog post. Easily include/exclude topics with a click, and your blog draft is ready.
Match your voice and style.

Package a collection into a gallery

Combine multiple videos into Galleries and Micro-Galleries to showcase themed content for a campaign, geo or product family.

Integrate, gate, measure

Collect leads, get engagement data and make data-based decisions by using advanced video analytics. Data is sync'd with your MAP so you can see it in your context (and pipeline).

Integrate, gate, measure

Collect leads, get engagement data and make data-based decisions by using advanced video analytics. Data is sync'd with your MAP so you can see it in your context (and pipeline).

Share with sales or stakeholders

Native integrations with Salesloft & Outreach help you deploy video moments to your sellers quickly.
Easily package trailers, video moments and transcripts into a single, shareable online briefcase.

Trusted by leading brands

Turn long videos into catchy content

AI Video Assistant built for B2B

Guided Trial