Measure and show marketing's impact on revenue

While marketing is the primary driver of revenue, it's often very hard to show a direct impact. Inability to show impact leads to questions about the value of marketing, lack of funding for marketing budgets and lack of respect for marketers.

This extends to marketing activities like webinars, events, content creation, etc.. If you can measure and show value you can invest in the right resources that lead to real success.

In the world of business, understanding value is the key to unlocking limitless potential
The quest for recognition, resources, and genuine success

The challenge lies in the difficulty of demonstrating a direct impact, which raises questions about marketing's value, jeopardizes funding, and results in a lack of respect for marketers. This problem extends across various marketing activities, hindering the ability to allocate resources effectively and achieve genuine success.

Unraveling the challenge of measuring digital engagement

Some digital activities are easily measurable while some are very hard to measure. Website analytics and email tracking have been available to marketers since many years. Gating content with forms allows you to capture leads.

However, it's extremely difficult to measure content consumption and engagement with text-based content. Metrics like time spent on a webpage are very rough proxies and have limited utility.

What’s known
Illuminating every touchpoint in the buyer's journey

Unlike text, video consumption is highly measurable. Video watch time is one of the most reliable ways to measure how interested a buyer is. Unlike webpage event tracking which can be very complicated and unreliable, video consumption is extremely reliable and fully supported by all browsers.

When you serve content in bite-size portions you create more opportunities for people to consume this content. Every video touchpoint on the buyers' journey becomes measurable and allows you to show marketing's influence on anonymous visitors, known leads, active opportunities and customers.

New Insight
Seamless integration for impactful video marketing

The MAC (Marketing Automation Connector) in Parmonic must be enabled and connected to your MA system for automatic data sync.

  • Get your MA admin and Parmonic admin to connect the two systems via the 5-min setup.
  • Parmonic will automatically create relevant fields in your MA tool.
  • Embed Parmonic videos on your webpages and drive traffic using channels such as email, paid/organic social, ads, etc.
  • Create and share reports that show impact (e.g. all active opps that have video touchpoints).

Parmonic How-to
Demonstrate marketing's influence on active opportunities

Parmonic's advanced analytics give you the power to test new scenarios such as:

What's the ideal duration of trailers or munchable key moments for different segments? How do different paid or organic traffic sources convert?

MQLs are a leading indicator of revenue. Use video analytics to adjust MQL scores and deliver higher quality MQLs to sales.

If your company's sales cycles are long, it's important for marketing to show impact on active opportunities. In addition to revenue-impact reports, create opportunity-impact reports. The latter can also help sales (and sales leadership) better forecast deals that are likely to close.

The Outcome

Start reincarnating content with Parmonic

Create/transform/repurpose content from your videos with a reliable AI tool

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